Brooke Sellhorn


Brooke Sellhorn has over ten years of experience as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Brooke has her B.A. from Saint Louis University, where she also competed on the NCAA Division I volleyball team. She obtained her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College in 2007.

From 2007-2013, she worked with Lifeline Youth & Family Services, providing home-based therapy for children and families involved in the court system. She also provided supervision for therapists and case managers who were preserving and reunifying families. Brooke was the Clinical Director at Crosswinds, Inc. for five years, growing and developing a home-based, faith-oriented family counseling ministry.

Brooke currently serves as the Clinical Director of the Counselor Education Program at Purdue University-Fort Wayne. She oversees the PFW Community Counseling Center, a free mental health clinic for the community that serves as a training center for graduate level students. For the past six years and in her current position, Brooke provides clinical supervision, mentoring, training, and support for students and new clinicians in the counseling field.

Brooke is a certified SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) Facilitator.  She has used her expertise in ministry at Brookside Church teaching a Young Married Couples Class as well as training Marriage Mentors.

Brooke Sellhorn has further developed her training through the Gottman Institute and has expanded her repertoire as a couples therapist. She approaches couples counseling with enthusiasm and hope. Brooke is now a Level 2 Trained Gottman Therapist as well as a Certified Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Leader. Brooke employs the 30+ years of research of the Gottmans in her approach with couples. The theory that she basis her counseling on is called "The Sound Relationship House". Brooke also utilizes the Gottman Relationship Checkup to provide a thorough assessment of each partner and to develop an accurate picture of the issues that are causing strife in the marriage.

Additionally, Brooke conducts seminars and speaks at conferences on a broad range of mental health and interpersonal issues.  Brooke has served as the approved Parent Educator for Redemption House, a transitional living facility for women.  She is excited about educating the public on mental health concerns, emotional wellness, and healthy relationships. 

Brooke enjoys daily adventures with her husband, Tyler, and their four young children.  Tyler and Brooke share their talents with the Fort Wayne community, especially while coaching youth athletics, supporting Christian outreach, and advocating for public education.

Brooke’s goal is to live with courage, grace, and authentic love as she navigates life as a professional, therapist, wife, and mom.  Brooke is passionate about empowering individuals, couples, and families to find healing, realize hope, and live wholeheartedly.